Destruction Warlock Mythic+ Guide (2024)

Welcome to theDestruction Warlock Mythic+guide for the World of Warcraft prepatch 11.0! In this guide, you can find tips and tricks to maximize your output and ensure your character is ready to top the charts!

Your primary resource is Soul Shards which don't work like Affliction's or Demonology's counterparts despite having the same name. In this spec, you generate them as Soul Shard fragments, 10 Soul Shard fragments build 1 full Soul Shard. This means that you have a steady flow of Soul Shard fragments coming in throughout the dungeon which smoothes out your rotation.

In the current season, you also have a chance to gain Chaos Maelstrom by spending Soul Shards while all your critical strikes deal 212% more damage instead of the usual 200% if you have your full tierset equipped.

Whether you're new to the spec or want to improve your play, you can find the information needed to perform at your best in Mythic+ environments. Get ready to unleash your chaos!


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

Destruction Warlock Mythic+ Guide (1)Destruction Warlock Mythic+ Guide (2)

Destruction WarlockMythic+











  • Destruction Warlocks are known for their exceptional cleave damage thanks to Havoc.
  • Rain of Fire in conjunction with Inferno or Cataclysm grants you decent AoE capabilities but the overall damage itself is currently quite low compared to other classes.
  • Soulstone provides a quick wipe recovery while Create Soulwell, Curse of Weakness and Curse of Tongues aide your group with decent defensive utility.
  • Their toolkit includes great defensives like Unending Resolve, Dark Pact and Soul Leech, which allows them to take a great amount of damage without being punished too harshly.
  • One of their weakness is their lack of mobility. Burning Rush does help but became harder/more punishing to use after the nerf to Fiendish Stride.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock



When to use this Spec

Use this spec in higher Mythic+ keys. Inferno performs better when enemies stay alive for longer periods of time. Additionally Rain of Fire is used over Chaos Bolt even in single-target with this spec.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Roaring Blaze
    • It is crucial to keep this buff active as much as possible through proper Conflagrate usage.
  • Rain of Fire
    • Used to apply Pyrogenics and to deal AoE and single-target damage.
  • Havoc
    • This serves as one of your strongest tools to damage two targets at once or generate additional Soul Shards in AoE situations.
  • Soul Fire
    • A hard hitting spell which is amplified by Roaring Blaze, it is also further enhanced by Decimation.
  • Ritual of Ruin
    • Passively nets you free Chaos Bolt casts and also spawns an Overfiend that generates more Soul Shards.
  • Summon Infernal
    • Your main cooldown for burst windows, this is enhanced by Rain of Chaos.

Class Tree

  • Soulburn
    • Enhances multiple utility spells, mainly used together with Demonic Circle: Teleport, Healthstone, Demonic Gateway and Drain Life.
  • Sweet Souls
    • Only works if other people use the Healthstones that you created.
  • Soul Conduit
    • Sometimes alters your cast sequence by refunding Soul Shards.
  • Pact of Gluttony
    • Massive for survivability since it alters your Demonic Healthstone to be useable multiple times per combat.
    • Combo this together with Lifeblood for extra leech upon use.

When to use this Spec

Use this spec in the low to mid-range of Mythic+ keys. Cataclysm grants you more upfront damage which is more valuable when enemies die fast. Additionally Rain of Fire is used over Chaos Bolt even on single-target with this spec.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

Spec Tree

  • Added
    • Cataclysm
      • Used to mass apply Immolate and deal significant amounts of burst damage.
  • Removed
    • Inferno
      • Changed to Cataclysm.

Tier Set

  • 2-Set: Consuming Soul Shards has a chance to grant you Chaos Maelstrom, increasing your critical strike chance by 15% for 10 sec.
  • 4-Set: Your critical strikes deal 212% damage instead of the usual 200%.


Opener Rotation

  • Your goal is to spend as many Soul Shards as possible without wasting resources while also keeping relevant abilities on cooldown. Below, you can see an example of how your opener looks when using the recommended Inferno spec and depending on the number of Soul Conduit procs, among other factors:
  • Always cast Immolate unless it was already applied by Cataclysm or Soul Fire.
  • Use your active trinkets, Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking after using Summon Infernal.

Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Keep up Immolate on your target.
    • Cast Cataclysm to refresh Immolate.
  2. Cast Rain of Fire if you are otherwise capping on Soul Shards.
  3. Cast Chaos Bolt with 10 stacks of Ritual of Ruin.
  4. Cast Conflagrate to keep up Roaring Blaze or if you have 2 stacks.
  5. Cast Soul Fire on cooldown.
  6. Cast Rain of Fire.
  7. Cast Channel Demonfire on cooldown.
  8. Cast Conflagrate to generate Soul Shards.
  9. Cast Incinerate to generate Soul Shards.


Opener Rotation

  • Below you can see one variation of the multi-target opener rotation using the Inferno talent on 5 targets:
  • Always cast Immolate on targets that live for over 9 seconds unless it was already applied by Cataclysm or Soul Fire.
  • Use your active trinkets, Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking after using Summon Infernal.

Priority List

  1. Keep up Immolate on targets that last over 9 seconds.
  2. Cast Rain of Fire if you are about to cap on Soul Shards.
  3. Cast Cataclysm on cooldown if talented.
  4. Cast Havoc on a secondary target.
  5. Cast Conflagrate if you are about to reach 2 stacks.
  6. Cast Soul Fire if you're not about to overcap on Soul Shards and with a Decimation proc.
  7. Cast Rain of Fire.
  8. Cast Conflagrate to generate Soul Shards.
  9. Cast Incinerate to generate Soul Shards.

Deep dive

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

Using Rain of Fire vs. Chaos Bolt

The way you spend Soul Shards varies based on the number of targets you're fighting and whether Havoc is active or not.

Currently it is worth to cast Rain of Fire on single-target because of pre-patch interactions and weird scaling for Chaos Bolt if you're using one of the recommended talent specs.

Otherwise, the general rules are as follows:

  • You use Chaos Bolt if
    • Targets are constantly moving out of your potential Rain of Fire area.
    • You want to focus your damage on a priority target within a group of enemies.
    • You fight fewer than 3 enemies without Havoc active, or up to 5 enemies while Havoc is active.
  • You use Rain of Fire if
    • Moving or disrupted through other means as well as when you have a high rate of Soul Shard generation.
    • You fight 3 or more enemies without Havoc active, or over 5 enemies while Havoc is active.

Cataclysm and Inferno

The main difference between both options is that Cataclysm has a 30-second cooldown while Inferno has no cooldown at all since it just modifies your Rain of Fire.

This changes your approach depending on which talent you pick.

  • Cataclysm grants you a lot of upfront damage and also applies Immolate to all targets hit.
  • With Inferno your damage is more consistent over the course of the pull.

You have to make sure to keep as many Immolates active as possible while also utilizing Havoc as an additional Soul Shard generation multiplier since duplicated Conflagrates, Incinerates, Immolates as well as Soul Fires also generate Soul Shards.

Maximizing your Havoc Window

To maximize your damage while Havoc is active you want to make sure to spend as many casts on Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire as possible. For this to happen you should try to enter the Havoc window with as many of the following conditions as possible:

  • A high amount of Soul Shards or Soul Shard income.
  • Conflagrate should be close to 2 stacks.
  • Refresh Immolates so they won't drop off during the Havoc window
  • Prebuild Ritual of Ruin stacks.

Below is an example that happens when you correctly manage your Havoc window in Mythic+.

  • This is not a fixed rotation; This is just one example of how to play during your Havoc window. Soul Conduit procs, critical hits, potential Rain of Chaos Infernal spawns, and the amount of enemies hit by Rain of Fire while talented into Inferno can increase your Soul Shard generation, allowing you to spend more Soul Shards on Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire.

Conflagrate, Backdraft and Roaring Blaze

  • Make sure to space out your Conflagrates to ensure a high uptime on Roaring Blaze.
  • Use your Backdraft charges on Soul Fire then Chaos Bolt and otherwise on Incinerate.
  • Don't cast Soul Fire or Channel Demonfire without Roaring Blaze present on your target.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

  • Pandemic
  • Spell Queue Window
  • Stat Diminishing Returns


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

← Scroll for more Dungeons

Brackenhide Hollow

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr

The Nokhud Offensive

Algeth'ar Academy

Halls of Infusion

The Azure Vault


Ruby Life Pools

Boss Tips

Hackclaw's War-Band

  • Use Curse of Tongues on Tricktotem to slow down his Earth Bolt and Greater Healing Rapids casts.
  • Pre-use Dark Pact whenever Gash Frenzy is being cast by Gashtooth to get a headstart on its Bleed effect.
  • You can help dispel Decayed Senses with Singe Magic.


  • Place your Demonic Circle before the fight starts to counterGrasping Vines easily.
  • Use Shadowfury to stun the slimes that spawn from Decay Spray before they complete their Gushing Ooze cast.

Decatriarch Wratheye

  • Pool Soul Shards for each Rotburst Totem spawn.
  • Rotate defensives on Withered Eruption depending on available Gear and key level.

Trash Tips

  • Curse of Tongues is very valuable in this dungeon due to the high amount of dangerous casters.
  • Stop Vicious Clawmangle from Claw Fighters with any of your available stops.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Always use Summon Infernal if you're talented into Crashing Chaos since that buff stays after the dungeon started.
  • Use Fel Domination shortly before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon despawns your pet, and this enables you to rapidly summon your pet without spending a Soul Shard while still having Fel Domination off cooldown in case your pet dies later.

Boss Tips

The Lost Dwarves

  • Put Olaf on focus to quickly interrupt him when he casts Defensive Bulwark.


  • Pool Soul Shards for Quaking Totem spawns.

Sentinel Talondras

  • Use defensives while you're affected by Earthen Shards, especially if Crushing Stomp is coming up.
  • You can remove Inexorable with Shadowfury if you want to stop Crushing Stomp early.


  • You can dispel Burning Heat with your Imp's Singe Magic to help out your healer.

Chronolord Deios

  • Use your Imp's Singe Magic or Demonic Circle: Teleport. to remove Time Sink.
  • Save Dark Pact for Wing Buffet.
    • Since Dark Pact has a 20-second duration you're able to pre-use Dark Pact to have it up for more Wing Buffet casts.
    • If you plan around pre-using Dark Pact then you should also keep in mind that the absorb gets partially consumed from Eternity Orbs.

Trash Tips

  • Stunning Refti Custodians applies a 100% damage increase to them. Make sure to utilize your Shadowfury for that purpose.
  • Curse of Tongues is very valuable in this dungeon due to the high amount of dangerous casters.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Always use Summon Infernal if you're talented into Crashing Chaos since that buff stays after the dungeon started.
  • Use Fel Domination shortly before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon despawns your pet, and this enables you to rapidly summon your pet without spending a Soul Shard while still having Fel Domination off cooldown in case your pet dies later.

Boss Tips


  • Use Curse of Exhaustion on the Nokhud Saboteur to give your group more time to kill it.
    • You can also use Fear and not touch them afterwards if you only need to use the affected Dragonkiller Lance once.
  • Make use of Dark Pact when Shards of Stone is being cast.

Raging Tempest

  • Min maxing Surge of Power stacks is crucial to have an easy time since for Warlocks Surge of Power doesn't only buff your damage but also your healing absorbs. Using Dark Pact with a lot of stacks guarantees that you survive with ease especially if you time it correctly with the boss's Electrical Storm.
  • Instantly purge Energy Surge with Devour Magic from your Felhunter or Observer pet.

Teera & Maruuk.

Make sure to use Dark Pact on each Gale Arrow. Use Unending Resolve, Healthstone & Potion of Withering Dreams whenever you get targeted multiple times in a row by Quick Shot.

Balakar Khan

  • You can place Demonic Circle before Static Spear goes off and teleport right as the grip happens negating the effect and leaving you in a comfortable place to continue dealing damage.
  • Dark Pact is best used on Upheaval and Crackling Upheaval, covering both with proper usage. Your Dark Pact uses could look like this:

Trash Tips

  • Curse of Tongues is very valuable in this dungeon due to the high amount of dangerous casters.
  • You're able to purge Stormshield with Devour Magic from your Felhunter or Observer.
  • Stop Rally the Clan with Shadowfury, Mortal Coil or Fear.
  • Cast Banish on the Unstable Squall to prevent the Stormspeaker from summoning more and reduce tank damage. Remove the Banish at the end of the pull by casting it again on the affected target.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Always use Summon Infernal if you're talented into Crashing Chaos since that buff stays after the dungeon started.
  • Use Fel Domination shortly before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon despawns your pet, and this enables you to rapidly summon your pet without spending a Soul Shard while still having Fel Domination off cooldown in case your pet dies later.

Boss Tips

Overgrown Ancient

  • Use Dark Pact on every Burst Forth cast that happens when the boss reaches 100 energy.
  • You can pre-apply Havoc to the boss before the Branch Out cast finishes to then quickly swap to the Ancient Branch when it spawns.


Since Deafening Screech is happening roughly every 23 seconds you should be using Dark Pact for every second Deafening Screech. Your defensive usage could look like the following:


  • Place your Demonic Circle before the fight starts to quickly teleport out of the void zones from Mana Bomb when needed.
  • On this Boss you use your defensives more reactively, rather than pre-planned. In general, you want to use Unending Resolve on the overlap of Mana Bomb and Arcane Fissure.
  • If you're only affected by Mana Bomb a late use of Mortal Coil or early use of Dark Pact should be enough.

Echo of Doragosa

  • Place your Demonic Circle before the fight starts to counter the pull in from Power Vacuum.
  • Burning Rush can save you if you see the Astral Breath a bit too late. In general, you should stay a little bit closer to the Boss to make it easier to dodge.

Trash Tips

  • You can line of sight the Vicious Ambush cast from the Arcane Ravager. The cast always targets the furthest away target and running out of line of sight causes the Arcane Ravager to not charge to you and immediately start its Riftbreath cast instead.
  • You can purge the Celestial Shield of Ethereal Restorer's with Devour Magic.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Always use Summon Infernal if you're talented into Crashing Chaos since that buff stays after the dungeon started.
  • Use Fel Domination shortly before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon despawns your pet, and this enables you to rapidly summon your pet without spending a Soul Shard while still having Fel Domination off cooldown in case your pet dies later.
  • In high Mythic+ keys you should get the Red Dragonflight Pledge Pin, in lower keys you can easily get Bronze Dragonflight Pledge Pin.

Boss Tips


  • Place down a Demonic Gateway and Demonic Circle to get out fast with the Power Overload debuff.
    • You can also dispel Power Overload with your Imp's Singe Magic.
  • Save up a few Soul Shards for the intermission to quickly kill 3 Nullification Devices.

Gulping Goliath

  • Make sure to stun the Curious Swoglets with Shadowfury.


  • Use Dark Pact,Unending Resolve and Mortal Coil whenever your healer does not have healing cooldowns rolling. The DoT damage stays the same throughout the fight meaning any damage being prevented is good.

Primal Tsunami

  • Always use Dark Pact for Tempest's Fury.
  • You can use Fear on 1 of the 4 Primalist Infusers to interrupt them without them starting to cast Inundate and also prevent the boss from gaining stacks early on.

Trash Tips

  • Helping out your tank by using Shadowfury on packs with stealthed Skulking Zealots which prevents them from stunning the tank with Cheap Shot.
  • Use Demonic Circle: Teleport to quickly cleanse yourself from Deep Chill while fighting any Proto-Dragon.
    • It's also possible to use Soulburn into Demonic Circle: Teleport before Deep Chill is applied to prevent the application entirely.
  • You can outrange the Inundate cast of Infuser Sariya by walking over 40 yards away.
  • In general, you can help out your tank and healer massively by applying Curse of Tongues to relevant targets.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Always use Summon Infernal if you're talented into Crashing Chaos since that buff stays after the dungeon starts.
  • Use Fel Domination shortly before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon despawns your pet, and this enables you to rapidly summon your pet without spending a Soul Shard while still having Fel Domination off cooldown in case your pet dies later.

Boss Tips


  • Always use a defensive for Consuming Stomp.
  • If the Bubbling Sapplings live for a while you can try to get Flashpoint from them.


  • Use Curse of Tongues on the Draconic Images to make interrupting them a lot easier.
  • Make use of Havoc, if talented, in the intermission to cleave multiple Draconic Illusions down!
    • Also use Havoc on the boss before Draconic Images spawn in P1.

Telash Greywing

  • Use Dark Pact when targeted by Icy Devastator, sadly you don't have a way to cancel this cast except if you're a Night Elf and have access to Shadowmeld.


  • You should always pool resources for each crystal phase. These start at 75%, 50% and 25%.
    • Preapply Havoc if talented on the Boss and focus the Detonating Crystals with Crystallize on it.
  • Defensive should be used during the Detonating Crystals phases aswell as for Unleashed Destruction.

Trash Tips

  • Make sure to purge Brilliant Scales off of the Vaul Guards with Devour Magic.
  • One of the important interrupts in this dungeon is Icy Bindings from the Rune Seal Keepers since it's usually paired with other adds that spawn void zones under your feed which you obviously can't dodge if you're rooted.
    • Using Soulburn together with Demonic Circle: Teleport before Icy Bindings grants you immunity to its root effect. Very neat if you don't have access to an interrupt at that time.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Always use Summon Infernal if you're talented into Crashing Chaos since that buff stays after the dungeon starts.
  • Use Fel Domination shortly before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon despawns your pet, and this enables you to rapidly summon your pet without spending a Soul Shard while still having Fel Domination off cooldown in case your pet dies later.

Boss Tips


  • Use Demonic Circle to quickly dodge either Liquid Hot Magma projectiles or Lava Wave.
    • Don't use Demonic Gateway to cross over Lava Waves, they still hit you.
  • Use defensives for Volatile Mutation and Lava Spray depending on the situation.

Chargath, Bane of Scales

  • Start the fight by pre-placing Demonic Circle and Demonic Gateway across the room because you can negate a lot of damage by instantly teleporting right after Grounding Spear lands.
  • If you're a Dwarf you can remove the bleed from Dragon Strike with Stoneform if necessary.
    • You can bait Dragon Strike on the furthest player from the target which means that your tank should probably take most of them anyway.

Forgemaster Gorek

  • Might of the Forge happening close to Blazing Aegis is very deadly thus you should use your defensives pre-emptively during Might of the Forge.

Warlord Sargha

  • You're able to Crowd Control the Burning Ember with Banish and Fear. You can also delay killing it and use it as a funnel throughout the fight.
    • Use Havoc if talented on the Burning Ember before the boss receives the damage buff from breaking its Magma Shield to boost your shard generation.
  • Remember that you can pick up multiple Piles of Gold to stack up more than 1 usable item. This should only be done with a group that has access to a decurse.

Trash Tips

  • Keep an eye out for the Qalashi Bonesplitter's Dragonbone Axe ability and disrupt it with your available toolkit.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Always use Summon Infernal if you're talented into Crashing Chaos since that buff stays after the dungeon starts.
  • Use Fel Domination shortly before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon despawns your pet, and this enables you to rapidly summon your pet without spending a Soul Shard while still having Fel Domination off cooldown in case your pet dies later.

Boss Tips

Melidrussa Chillworn

  • You can utilize Demonic Circle and Demonic Gateway to quickly get out of the Chillstorm that you're dropping when debuffed.
  • At 75% and 45% Melidrussa spawns a lot of Infused Whelps that can be used for funnel damage onto the boss. Especially if you play Cataclysm to apply Immolate to all of them at once, Make sure to use your Soul Shards on Chaos Bolt and not on Rain of Fire to break the absorb shield and interrupt Frost Overload faster.
  • Defensives should generally be used for Chillstorm.

Kokia Blazehoof

  • Always prepare enough Soul Shards for Blazebound Firestorm
  • Preapply Havoc to the boss prior to the Blazebound Firestorm spawning.
  • Use defensives like Dark Pact and Unending Resolve for Inferno.

Erkhart Stormvein / Kyrakka

  • Use Havoc on cooldown if talented and cleave both bosses as much as possible early on.
  • Winds of Change rotates counter clockwise from its starting point. Consider placing Demonic Circle in a favorable position to get out of trouble quickly if you're getting boxed in.
  • Personals are generally not needed in Phase 1. In Phase 2 on the other hand, consider a personal every time you get hit by Flamespit.

Trash Tips

  • Ice Shield is purgeable by your Devour Magic from your Felhunter or Observer.
  • Make sure to stop Tectonic Slam with abilities like Shadowfury.
  • You can help out your healer while fighting Thunderhead by playing an Imp and dispelling Rolling Thunder when your healer wants to focus on other things. DON'T DISPEL IF YOUR HEALER IS ALREADY DISPELLING!
  • When the Primalist Flamedancers die you can purge their Blaze of Glory cast and kill them off that way.

Pre Dungeon Start

  • Always use Summon Infernal if you're talented into Crashing Chaos since that buff stays after the dungeon starts.
  • Use Fel Domination shortly before starting the dungeon. Starting a dungeon despawns your pet, and this enables you to rapidly summon your pet without spending a Soul Shard while still having Fel Domination off cooldown in case your pet dies later.


Learn how to effectively handle various Mythic+ Affixes as a Destruction Warlock. Depending on the level of the Mythic+ Dungeon you face up to two additional Affixes alongside Fortified and Tyrannical.

  • Entangling
    • Demonic Circle and Soulburn.
      • Pre-place Demonic Circle and use Demonic Circle: Teleport when entangling is up to cleanse it.
      • You can also pre-cast Demonic Circle: Teleport with the Soulburn version of the spell a couple seconds prior to entangling spawning.
  • Incorporeal
    • Banish, Fear and Spell Lock.
      • Fear works great.
      • Banish is faster than Fear. Spec into this so you can handle the whole affix on your own while doing PuG keys.
      • Interrupt them with Spell Lock.
  • Bolstering
    • Banish
      • Using Banish on an eligible target can prevent said target from getting bolstering stacks. Very useful if your group has unavoidable AoE damage and fights a pack of enemies with a lot of low health targets and one high health target.
  • Spiteful
    • Banish, Shadowfury, Curse of Exhaustion and Mortal Coil.
      • Use Banish to crowd control specific Spiteful enemies.
      • Utilize Shadowfury to crowd control multiple Spiteful Shades simultaneously to keep them away for a few seconds.
      • Cast Curse of Exhaustion and Mortal Coil to help yourself or your teammates.
  • Sanguine
    • Mortal Coil, Fear and Howl of Terror.
      • Use Mortal Coil, Fear or Howl of Terror to force enemies out of Sanguine Ichor. This doesn't always work but saves a lot of time when you fight enemy casters that don't move otherwise.
  • Bursting
    • Singe Magic
      • If you have an Imp out you can use Singe Magic on a player. Do note that this only removes 1 stack of Burst.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ dungeons as a Destruction Warlock. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.

All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. The damage of your pets does not heal you thus Leech is a great tertiary for you since most of your damage is coming from your own spells.
  • Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

Overall BiS

Farmable Alternatives

HeadGrimhorns of the Sinister SavantTier / Catalyst
NeckKagni's Scorching TalismanAssault of the Zaqali
ShoulderAmice of the Sinister SavantTier / Catalyst
CloakShawl of the Sinister SavantCatalyst of Sarkareth
ChestReanimator's Wicked CassockKazzara
WristVibrant Wildercloth WristwrapsCrafting
GlovesGrips of the Sinister SavantTier / Catalyst
BeltSash of Abandoned HopeKazzara
LegsLeggings of the Sinister SavantTier / Catalyst
BootsVibrant Wildercloth SlippersCrafting
Ring 1Seal of Filial DutyBroodkeeper
Ring 2Seal of Diurna's ChosenEranog
Trinket 1Nymue's Unraveling SpindleNymue
Trinket 2Tome of Unstable PowerThe Azure Vault
WeaponDreambinder, Loom of the Great CycleNymue

Below you are presented with good and farmable alternatives that are not locked behind WoW's weekly system. While you replace them in time, this list is for you if you want to power up immediately!

HeadHeadwrap of the AbandonedThe Azure Vault
NeckUkhel Ancestry BeadsThe Nokhud Offensive
ShoulderBoastful Stalker's EpauletsBrackenhide Hollow
CloakFireproof DrapeRuby Life Pools
ChestBlessed Ohn'ir RobesThe Nokhud Offensive
WristAnimated ShacklesUldaman: Legacy of Tyr
GlovesAzureblade's Work GlovesThe Azure Vault
BeltFlare-Singed StrapNeltharus
LegsCrazed Traveler's LegwrapsUldaman: Legacy of Tyr
BootsAncient Crosswrapped SandalsUldaman: Legacy of Tyr
Ring 1Unstable Arcane LoopThe Azure Vault
Ring 2Thunderous Downburst RingThe Nokhud Offensive
Trinket 1Irideus FragmentHalls of Infusion
Trinket 2Tome of Unstable PowerThe Azure Vault
Two-Hand WeaponInfinite DragonspireUldaman: Legacy of Tyr
One-Hand WeaponSpellboon SaberAlgeth'ar Academy
OffhandRod of Perfect OrderHalls of Infusion


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to the recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the scenario.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • Irideus Fragment
    • Good choice if you can plan your cooldowns around 3 minute cycles.
  • Spoils of Neltharus
    • Alternates between the secondaries, the use can be delayed a little bit until your preferred secondary is available.
  • Ashes of the Embersoul
    • Strong 2 minute on use with a minute haste penalty after.
  • Belor'relos, the Suncaller
    • Decent for nuking priority targets.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Whispering Incarnate Icon
    • Is better or worse depending on how many people in your group are using it.
  • Umbrelskul's Fractured Heart
    • Very strong single-target damage while still doing respectable AoE damage.
  • Ominous Chromatic Essence
    • Is better or worse depending on how many people in your group are using it.
  • Vessel of Searing Shadow
    • Solid single-target trinket, loses significant value on AoE.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

  • 2x Blue Silken Lining
    • It is a good choice if you have over 90% health most of the time and during your cooldowns.
    • The optimal slots to craft on are Wrists, Boots, Waist, or Cloak depending on your available gear.


  • Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation
    • Provides less personal DPS but more overall DPS for your group.
    • Combine it with one Blue Silken Lining or Elemental Lariat.
  • Elemental Lariat
    • Good to use if you have access to the maximum amount of gems, and decent in multi target scenarios especially if your Blue Silken Lining uptime is not great.

Remaining Sparks

  • Make sure to apply Alchemical Flavor Pocket if you have an additional crafted item equipped to keep your food buff even if you die.
  • Crafted items are 525 item level and regular items are 528 on max item level therefor it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

HeadIncandescent Essence
NeckTiered Medallion Setting 3x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Graceful Avoidance
ChestEnchant Chest - Waking Stats
WristEnchant Bracer - Devotion of Avoidance
BeltShadowed Belt Clasp
LegsFrozen Spellthread
BootsEnchant Boots - Plainsrunner's Breeze
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Devotion of Critical Strike
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Devotion of Critical Strike
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Wafting Devotion
Weapon AlternativeEnchant Weapon - Sophic Devotion


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock


  • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage -- maximum DPS.
  • Phial of Tepid Versatility -- less DPS but more survivability


  • Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak
  • Deviously Deviled Eggs

Combat Potion

  • Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
  • Residual Neural Channeling Agent -- Can be used while being dead if your potion is ready

Health Potion

  • Potion of Withering Dreams -- a big burst of healing
  • Dreamwalker's Healing Potion -- less healing upfront but an additional small heal over time

Weapon Rune

  • Howling Rune -- default
  • Buzzing Rune

Augment Rune

  • Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
  • Draconic Augment Rune


  • Inscribed Illimited Diamond or Fierce Illimited Diamond -- Unique, made by work order
  • Radiant Alexstraszite or Crafty Alexstraszite


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

For min-maxing a Destruction Warlockin Mythic+, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • One of the most potent racials in Mythic+ currently and historically.
    • Use-cases:
      • Bursting stacks.
      • Splinterbark on Overgrown Ancient (Algeth'ar Academy).
      • Deep Chill from Glacial Proto-Dragons (Halls of Infusion).
      • Withering from Fetid Rotsingers and Brackenhide Shapers (Brackenhide Hollow).
      • Earthen Shards from Sentinel Talondras (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Stolen Time from Infinite Timereavers (Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr).
      • Dragon Strike from Chargath (Neltharus).
      • Bold Ambush from Qalashi Hunters (Neltharus).
  • Shadowmeld -- Night Elf
    • Also one of the most potent racials in Mythic+ historically.
    • Use-cases:
      • Cast Shadowmeld when Forgemaster Gorek (Neltharus) targets you with Blazing Aegis, this completely negates the mechanic for you and the rest of the group.
      • Run past basically any mob and then cast Shadowmeld to make them reset. Even works on mobs that have stealth detection if you get enough distance before you Shadowmeld.
  • Blood Fury -- Orc
    • Strong racial for damage both because of Command and Blood Fury which lines up with Summon Infernal.
    • 20% reduced Stun duration on you which can be useful in some Mythic+ dungeons.
  • Escape Artist -- Gnome
    • Free yourself from roots.
  • Rocket Jump -- Goblin
    • Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
    • While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
  • Berserking -- Troll
    • Strong DPS racial but lines up poorly with Summon Infernal.
    • Reduce the duration of movement imparing effects by 20%.


Dwarf and Night Elf abilities have such a big impact on your Mythic+ experience that you need to use either of them if you're serious about pushing keys with your Destruction Warlock.


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

Discover recommended macros for Destruction Warlocks during Mythic+ dungeons and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Cursor Macros

Cataclysm -- Casts Cataclysm on your cursor without confirmation.

#showtooltip/cast [@cursor] Cataclysm

Summon Infernal - Uses Summon Infernal on your cursor position without reticle. Can't be used while the Channel Demonfire is being cast.

#showtooltip/cast [@cursor, nochanneling: Channel Demonfire] Summon Infernal

Rain of Fire -- Casts Rain of Fire without confirmation click which can save you valuable time and increases your Rain of Fire casts per second.

#showtooltip/cast [@cursor] Rain of Fire

Shadowfury -- Casts Shadowfury on your cursor without confirmation.

#showtooltip/cast [@cursor] Shadowfury

Mouseover Macros

Pet Macros

Utility Macros


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Destruction Warlock, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ dungeons to make your life easier.

Destruction Warlock Mythic+ Guide (3)



Changes this Patch

Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

Patch 11.0


Patch 11.0 - The War Within

Destruction Warlock

Q: Why is my Eradication uptime low?


Written By: Xerwo

Reviewed By: Wolfdisco, Rycn

Destruction Warlock Mythic+ Guide (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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