1. Winds of Ambition by Midheaven
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Raise your stat, choose your allies and Regals, storm your way to glory and stay alive
2. devlog120524 - Midheaven: Winds of Ambition
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Currently having the new mechanic prototype at hand and frantically playtesting! We mentioned the "Research Quest" mechanic several months ago and now we're playtesting (without detailed scripts) to s...
3. Midheaven Winds of Ambition | A MAZE. / Berlin 2024
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Midheaven: Winds of Ambition is a stats-raising visual novel, where every choice can result in the most fatal outcome. The game's objective is to keep the protagonist alive for 12 seasons and marry one of the four Regals. Midheaven: Winds of Ambition follows the tale of a young Mahyine (an original species of the Midheaven saga, with naga-like features) noble in court who is determined to follow their ambitions, along with the presence of one of the four Regals.
4. Southeast Asia Games Database
Midheaven Winds of Ambition, Midheaven Team, Vietnam, Midheaven Team, PC, https ... Bomb, 7 Raven Studios, Thailand, 7 Raven Studios, Consoles. PC. https ...
This is a page dedicated to games developed by South East Asia Developers.If developers want to reach out to put their game on the list please contact me on Twitter and follow the rules below: [Mobile Only] Low effort games intended for quick money or malicious intend will not be listed. Developers must be from South East Asia. Listed games must have store page. Games that considered abandonware / delisted from official store is still applicable as long as it has external link of the game. Fanga
5. The Innocents Abroad, or, The New Pilgrim's Progress - 400 Bad Request
"There they are, down there every night at eight bells, praying for fair winds—when they know as well as I do that this is the only ship going east this time of ...
page: (TitlePage)
6. Astrology and Horoscope for Fat Man (atomic explosion), on July 16, 1945
Fat Man (atomic explosion) on July 16, 1945: astrological chart and dominant planets, signs, elements, and houses.
See AlsoGyeon Jahee
7. Mercury in Capricorn trine Midheaven in Aries in the synastry chart
Person2, your Midheaven in Aries is a fiery beacon of ambition and drive. ... Person2, you're the wind ... Remember that scene in the movie where the hero diffuses ...
Mercury in Capricorn trine Midheaven in Aries in the synastry chart - 12andus is a community where you can discover yourself, understand others, forecast, match, and connect.
8. [PDF] Southern Presbyterian review
... ambition, or to obtain faciUties for the gratification of their mere social ... winds sicken ; which food enlarges, and fasting emaciates ; which mirth ...
9. Augusta J. Evans (Augusta Jane), 1835-1909. St. Elmo: A Novel
of observation was also that of temptation, to which ambition had led her spirit and there bargained for and bought her future. ... winds and winter rains ...
St. Elmo: A Novel By Augusta J. Evans (Augusta Jane), 1835-1909
10. Midheaven: Winds of Ambition - Hao Nguyen's Art
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“The court of the Great Empire Shuengol swarms with whispers and schemes. Stay alive, storm your way to glory, raise your stat, choose your allies and Regals for they will be the winds to your ambitions.”
11. The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Countess of Rudolstadt, by George ...
Just then a violent blast of wind threw down one of the trees on the bank ... ambition. The Princess Amelia carries her zeal to a kind of republican ...
12. Dictionary of the History of Ideas - The University of Virginia
... ambition is, to imitate them.” Dutens concluded that the ancients had ... midheaven. A common variant on or adjunct to the prorogator is the Lord of ...
In the expansion of Western thought allegory has played a major part from the earliest times to the present. Allegories have taken many forms, from mere emblems like the eagle and the dove, to the simple fables of Aesop and parables of Christ, to vast poetic structures like The Divine Comedy and equally large forms like the patristic glosses and commentaries on the Bible. Essentially a means of structuring language so as to produce continuously linked series of double or multiple meanings, this symbols mode depends largely upon syncretic mixtures of symbols from which it builds up “levels of meaning,” sometimes as few as two, or as many as seven. Minimally it holds that no single literal meaning can stand alone, but that a valid utterance must possess a transcendent meaning as well, a symbolic surplus beyond the literal level. Most alle- gories are images of cosmic order, and their fixed, hierarchical, and timeless character becomes problem- atic whenever such cosmic orders are subjected to temporal analysis. The key to the permanence of al- legory throughout history appears to be its ornamental surface, which allies it with changes in cosmology and deco...
13. [PDF] The sea, by James Oppenheim. - Department of English
... winds,. Flowed sinuous through the moving body of a young girl in shadow and ... ambition ,. The dream of empire and of conquest ,. Of wealth , world ...