Frequently Asked Questions (2025)

Questions that we're asked often.

How do I install Vencord?

We provide a convenient graphical installer you can use. Or you can just grab Vencord from the Chrome Webstore or via Userscript.

Visit our download page to find out more!

Vencord isn't working! :(

The most likely cause is that your install is outdated. Check if there’s any updates. You can either do so using our inbuilt updater, or if you cannot get there due to crashes or similar, use the “Update Vencord” in the Installer.

If you’re all up to date, try reinstalling with the installer anyway!

And if it now still doesn’t work, please let us know in our support server

Can I use this on the web version of Discord?

Yes! We provide extensions for Chromium based browsers and a Userscript build.

See our download page for more info!

Is there a mobile version of Vencord?

Technically yes, we have a very barebones app for android: VendroidHowever, it suffers from many issues and thus is not recommended for daily use (nor is it actively being worked on)

Instead, we recommend the following alternatives:

How do I install BetterDiscord / Replugged / [insert other mod here] plugins?

You can’t.

Chances are, it’s already a Vencord plugin! Or if it isn’t, you can open a plugin request

Will I get banned for using Vencord? Will plugin X get me banned?

Client modifications are against Discord’s Terms of Service.

However, Discord is pretty indifferent about them and there are no known cases of users getting banned for using client mods! So you should generally be fine as long as you don’t use any plugins that implement abusive behaviour. But no worries, all inbuilt plugins are safe to use!

Regardless, if your account is very important to you and it getting disabled would be a disaster for you, you should probably not use any client mods (not exclusive to Vencord), just to be safe

Additionally, make sure not to post screenshots with Vencord in a server where you might get banned for it

How do I migrate my Vencord Settings from Canary to Stable (or vice versa)?

Settings are already shared across all Discord instances on the same PC so you can just switch and they will be kept!

Why is my Discord laggy?

The most common cause of lag is poorly written CSS.

To see if this is the case for you, try temporarily disabling all themes and your QuickCSS.

If that indeed fixes the lagging, you’ll have to figure out which theme / part of your QuickCSS is causing the lag.Just slowly remove parts of it until it doesn’t lag anymore.

My themes broke and now I can't open settings or disable them

open the dev tools with CTRL + Shift + i (Cmd + Option + i on MacOs) and click on the “console” tab at the top. Then paste and run (with enter) the following code.

It will

  • disable custom css (you can turn it back on in Vencord Settings)
  • copy your current theme links to your clipboard as a backup
  • remove all themes
(() => { Vencord.Settings.useQuickCss = false try { const copy = window.copy ?? Vencord.Webpack.Common.Clipboard.copy copy(Vencord.Settings.themeLinks.join("\n")) } catch { } Vencord.Settings.themeLinks = [] Vencord.Settings.enabledThemes = []})()
Why do I get logged out after opening DevTools?

Discord tries to protect you from getting scammed by “hiding” your token when you open DevTools, which means it deletes it from storage and only keeps it in memory in order to make it harder to obtain.

If you now close discord before closing DevTools again, your token will not be saved anywhere anymore and as a consequence you will be logged out

Solution: Close DevTools before closing discord or better yet enable the NoDevtoolsWarning plugin which removes this “feature”

How do I uninstall Vencord?

Vencord is uninstalled the same way you install it. Just use the “Uninstall” button instead

What are the official websites for Vencord?

The only official website is, which can be confirmed on GitHub and the installer itself. We are notaffiliated with any other website, and any that claim to be or use our brand are malicious impersonators.

If you have downloaded software offered by these sites, remove it as soon as possible, run a malware scan,reinstall Discord, and change your password. Also, if possible, dispatch an intercontinental ballistic missile toyour hard drive for good measure.

I see there are packages for Nix or another platform not on the website, do you support them?

No. These packages are maintained by people (usually) unrelated to Vencord. We can’t provide support for unofficial repackages of Vencord unless it’s an actual bug in the mod itself (except when such bugs occur due to the repackage).

Please forward your support enquiries to the people who maintain these packages instead of us.

Does Vencord support a Windows Distro (e.g., AtlasOS, Tiny11)?

No, custom distributions of Windows are not supported as they tend to remove critical system components or libraries that Vencord (or its installer) depends on.

If it works for you, great! However, we can’t provide support for any issues that occur.

Frequently Asked Questions (2025)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Views: 6341

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.