All Those Monthly Bills - BLIND GOSSIP (2024)

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Blind Gossip

All Those Monthly Bills - BLIND GOSSIP (1)[Blind Gossip] This double celebrity couple is running into a serious money crunch!

Some of her biggest deals have been cancelled and there’s a cash flow problem right now.

Since our music man and his wife are thought to have a huge net worth, you may be wondering how there could possibly be any kind of money problem.

Their wealth isn’t money sitting in the bank. Most of it is tied up in properties. They didn’t pay cash for all of them, and the carrying costs and the maintenance costs are freaking huge.

Her income has dropped a lot and they don’t know when it will come back, but all those monthly bills are still there.

Besides the properties, they are just really wasteful with their money. It’s spend spend spend all the time on luxury items. They never stop buying sh*t. I guess they never expected for their income to drop.

The couple isn’t exactly in agreement on a plan.

Things are tense and they are arguing a lot.

She wants to keep everything and wait it out until she has a comeback but he says that they need to downsize now.

Selling off cars or purses won’t really make a dent, so they will probably have to sell at least one house. She would prefer to rent it out temporarily, but he doesn’t seem as confident about her income coming back.

If they sell, to save face they will have to make some excuse for it, like they are planning to buy or build a bigger property. It will be a lie, but people will buy it.

By the way, even if they do have to downsize, they won’t exactly be hurting. They own more than two homes and multiple luxury cars. Bully for them.

Similar: Spin The Sale Of The House


[Optional] Do you think she deserves a comeback? Do you think they will stay married?

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Reader Interactions


  1. Daisy27 says

    Chrissy and John. I hope she never comes back. I don’t care if her marriages lasts or not, that’s their problem. But actions have consequences and she has been a vile person for too long with a platform that allowed her to bully anyone because she was of the accepted political persuasion. She got a big head and went too high and I am enjoying every little cancelation, every event that he attends by himself because she is *

    • gurlgofly3 says

      The first one and the third one is definitely Chrissy and John Legend.
      The second one is Trevor Noah and Minka Kelly. It’s all Trevor’s fault letting an old woman like her con him.

  2. BetteBoo25 says

    Could be Jay Z & Beyonce. They’ve had flop after flop with albums, no touring bc of Covid, and they bought a 90 million dollar mansion a couple of years ago.

  3. sff060512 says

    Chrissy “the bully” Teigen and John Legend. No, I do not think she deserves a comeback nor do I believe their marriage will last.

  4. HeatherH317 says

    The Couple: Chrissy Teagen and John Legend
    I think she will only deserve a comeback if she gets psychological help and does work with the mental health community helping young people who are/were cyberbullied so she can realize the severity of what she did. The weak twitter apologies are not cutting it.

  5. bestguesstester says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  6. Carnac The Magnificent says

    Couple: John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen.

    Not getting into the morality of getting a divorce for this reason, but the longer he stays married to her, the more his career will suffer by the association. If he wants to save the marriage, he’ll need to step away from the limelight and get her the help that she needs. There are kids to consider here.

    They have more than enough to still remain comfortably with the 1%.

    • packer says

      I agree what you said about this whole situation.

  7. elphie says

    John Legend and his wife Chrissy… Bad news girl… you weren’t that talented to begin with don’t think you’ll bounce back better

  8. alicat24 says

    Chrissy Teigan and John Legend
    She is horrible with all of her pedo comments and bullying and I don’t feel sorry for her/them.

  9. Pinkieswear says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

    Once her horribleness is constantly directed towards him, that will spell “the end” for them. He cannot pretend that he doesn’t know how vile she is, when she can’t stop herself from spewing hateful thoughts and words towards virtual strangers; I imagine he’ll be getting a heaping taste of it once she stops getting her way 100% of the time, then he’ll have alimony and child support to pay (and fight over).

  10. sailorgossip says

    Hello, Kim Kardashian West + hubby! Yes, she’ll have a come back because she is nothing if not enterprising. But there’s no way they’re staying married.

  11. YouKnowWhoo says


    I think they’ll stay married, I don’t think she’ll mount a come-back. Too many people seem to think she’s whackers and mean. Whackers can come back but mean? not really

  12. lila8245 says

    Chrissy Teigen, John Legend. Don’t care for his music, never understood her appeal.

    Why don’t celebrities save money for a rainy day, realizing they won’t be on top forever? Maybe think, gee, I don’t need that new Maserati or that 14 million dollar mansion? Insane how so many end up having money issues when their careers dry up. They’ll stay married, if only because it will look bad for both of their brands if they divorce.

    • SueSue says

      I don’t like his music either! I cannot figure out what all the love is over music and lyrics and vocals that are (to me) so bland and immaturely-developed.

  13. aleshamom4 says

    Tiegan & Legend
    I don’t believe in cancel culture, we all make mistakes, but it is the level of mistakes that matters, and hers are cruel, many, and epic. She is showing no real remorse or wanting to change, so…

    • carriebradshaw says

      There is a difference between someone who said something stupid once while being very young, and a 26y.o. woman whose hobby over many years apparently was harassing teens. And what went public is probably only tip of an iceberg.

  14. Catseyezzz says

    Stupid Chrissy or whatever her name is. Poor John! But if he was stupid enough to marry her……. he is payin’ the price!

  15. Summer67 says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

  16. urg8urg says

    tiegan and legend

  17. righto says

    Legend and tygen, obvs. She should do a reality show while doing sensitivity training and volunteering, or, as another celebrity went there, a televised therapy session. It didn’t work for said celebrity but Teygen doesn’t have anything to lose at this point. And if they have more than a property, I don’t see why people should know if they sell other houses that is not the one plastered on Instagram

  18. Kimmer says

    Chrissy Teigen and John Legend
    No comeback for her. She’s just a *.

  19. Fluffy Lilac Slippers says

    John Legend and his wife Chrissy.

    She should have been cancelled years ago. I’m surprised they lasted this long as she really doesn’t seem very nice

  20. Lefemmenikita69 says

    John legend and Chrissy Teigan

  21. queenofhearts_11 says

    Chrissy Teigan
    John Legend

  22. kelaudk says

    Chrissy Teigen & John Legend
    No, she doesn’t deserve a comeback. She never did anything worthwhile anyway.

    • kelaudk says

      Oh, they will eventually divorce.

  23. droopyorchid says

    Chrissie Teagan and John Legend

  24. Jayzzzzzz says

    Couple: John Legend & Chrissy Teigen

    Do you think she deserves a comeback? Do you think they will stay married? As a cook/recipe maker she might make a comeback, as a model/actress no, I don’t think so. She’s had some drinking issues as well, I’m just not sure if they stay married. They seem like the type who may stay married forever & work through things, but …. she can get outrageous.

  25. mayer2816 says

    John legend and filler filled t0xic chrissy teigen

  26. Buckys Angel says

    Chrissy Teigan and John Legend
    I think they will probably stay together but i don’t think she will become popular again. Does she even have a talent?

  27. Canadianna says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  28. Texas Gal says

    The Legends. Chrissy will never have a comeback and her ego will lead to a divorce, probably within 18 months.

  29. pina colada says

    Chrissy Tiegan, I hope she loses everything! I was bullied by girls just like her at school, the damage she has done to people is disgusting. She has ruined people’s businesses and lives and if she had her way then people would have committed suicide because of her. I genuinely hope she loses everything

  30. Renee2 says

    Oh Chrissy Teigen. You thought you ruled the world. But you don’t. And your marriage to John Legend will be over within two years. He won’t be able to handle your misery. You did it to yourself.

  31. dinamarieburnett says

    Jon L and Chrissy T

  32. adriloco says

    Couple: John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  33. sparrowraven says

    My guess is John legend and his awful wife Chrissy tiegan

  34. blubelle says

    John Legend and his awful wife. I can’t stand either of them; they’re both horrible, hateful, divisive attention *.

  35. Stargazer27 says

    Easy. Chrissy and John Legend. Hard to imagine a comeback anytime soon with our current environment. Plus. Who just makes a living tearing down women? I loved her and thought she was hilarious until I read her horrible DMs.

  36. missbmw says

    Chrissy Teigen/ Jon Legend.

  37. mrw222 says

    Kim and Kanye

  38. ashketchum says

    Chrissy and John Legend

  39. sabrina325 says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  40. cheekymonkey69 says

    John Legend & Chrissy Teigan

  41. afoxnamedmulder says

    I was thinking Beyonce & Jayz at first, but now I think its Blake & Gwen.

  42. Melvin says

    Couple: Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.
    [Optional] Do you think she deserves a comeback? Do you think they will stay married?
    No, she’s a vile person who is going down by a system she used against many others.
    Don’t care if they stay married. Wish they’d just go away.

  43. HotTeacher88 says

    Jay-Z Z and Beyonce. I have no sympathy. Sell a house or two. Stop living like Sultans. Just be normal, and you’ll be okay.

  44. tvgirl13 says

    Chrissy Steiger and John Legend.

  45. calumsmom says

    Chrissy Teigen (bully for them) & John Legend. NO, no comeback. I’m enjoying her misery far too much 🙂

  46. uglystick says

    There’s always a chance for a come back.

  47. Suzy Kew says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen. She has made a name for herself by being mean and judgmental on social media . She’s always quick to boycott and “cancel” others. I do not think she deserves a comeback. She privately messaged a 16 year old and told them that they should kill themself . Hey Chrissy., what you give is what you get. Karma is a ….

  48. isthisseattaken says

    Chrissy Tiegan and John Legend

  49. ctstarke says

    John Legand and Chrissy Teigan

  50. Hot Cocoa says

    John Legend and his awful wife Chrissy Teigan. I feel sorry for John Legend, he seems like a very decent guy.

  51. sunshine702 says

    Chrissy Tiegan
    And John Legend

    Comeback no.
    Married maybe

  52. Sklooch says

    Jack O Lantern Faced (never really was a model) obese pig Krissy Teigen and the one hit wonder husband John Roger Not such a Legend Fat assed Stephens.
    A hateful disgusting pair that has been allowed to get away with being Frauds because they say vile things about republicans.

  53. La Lurker says

    Sharon & Ozzie. Comeback, yeah, she’ll probably figure out some way to get back on tv. I think they’ll stay together.

  54. hannahhkate says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

    She does NOT deserve a comeback and the odds are stacked against their marriage lasting.

  55. cgpb28 says

    John Legend and Chrissy Tiegan

  56. karina42 says

    John Legend & Chrissy Teigen

  57. IamnotMe says

    Chrissy & John.

    Chrissy deserves to embrace a life out of the spotlight from here on out and if they do divorce, it will probably won’t happen any time soon due to the cost.

    I once saw some type of interview or clip of them interacting and they were so passive aggressive and toxic with each other that I felt sorry for them. Idk about Jonh but she’s a handful and apparently, not a nice or kind one.

  58. haley1020 says

    John legend and Chrissy teigen

  59. Fireandice01 says

    This is that hateful wench Chrissy Teigen and hubby John Legend.
    Does she deserve a comeback? Nah.
    She only apologized for her “mistake” because it was made public. Telling a 16 year old to kill herself and loads of other bullying behavior speaks to not just an isolated incident and mistake but an inherent character flaw. Not to mention those disturbing tweets about children.

  60. lisaNJ says

    Chrissy Tiegen and John Legend

    I think people do really stupid things when they’re young and drunk, she just happened to do it all very publicly. She can redeem herself but she needed to get knocked down a few pegs first. I think they will stay married for their kids.

  61. FiyahHotFlashy says

    Couple: John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen

    [Optional] Do you think she deserves a comeback? Do you think they will stay married? So happy that Chrissy has been exposed and she’s silent. No comeback for her. Maybe a few more years married before Chrissy attempts to make a comeback and drag JL on social media

  62. keenobserver says

    Ha ha ha. Bully for them.

    Alison Roman is somewhere smiling.

  63. Theonewhoknows says

    This has to be John Legend and Chris’s Teigan.

  64. jerseymom says

    Couple: John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

    They will stay married because of their children. I’m not particularly enamored by the couple. I thought their repeated gourmet food posts during Covid were incredibly tone deaf amidst people’s suffering. She needs to do a lot of self-reflection and work to deserve a “comeback.” I don’t really believe in canceling anyone. But I do believe in karma that other powers take care of.

  65. TheSalmon says

    SOOOOO obviously John Legend and Chrissy Teigen. He knows how to be poor, so he’s the realistic one here (why do we underestimate the importance of this life skill?). She just needs to come to the realization that her “influencer” days are over. She screwed up in a way that’s not really recoverable. They’ll be fine.

  66. phoenix8209 says

    Teigen and Legend.

    Seems like karma has finally come around.

  67. gailpow says

    “Bully for them” gave it away as Chrissy Teigen and husband John Legend. Comeback? Maybe, but Chrissy will need to go to Bully Rehab first.

  68. bland131 says

    Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness

  69. ReginaPhalange says

    John Legend and Chrisssy Teigen

  70. AmateurGossipHour says

    Couple: John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

    I was so disappointed to hear of Chrissy’s behaviour, I thought they were a lovely, loving couple. I wouldn’t be surprised if this has changed John’s view of her a little too. He might be wondering if she is the same person he fell in love with or was it just an act? I know I would.

  71. ChunkyDunk says

    Chrissy Teigan and John Legend. They’ll divorce and she’ll finally fade into well-deserved obscurity

  72. contrarian says

    John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen. Clue: Bully.

  73. Michelle says

    John Legend and the awful Chrissy Teigen

    She does not deserve any sympathy and I hope to never see or hear about her ever again.

  74. jenbean says

    John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen

    Comeback to what – I never really understood what she did, other than tweet and pretend to cook. I think they will split in the next 2 years.

  75. TeacherKat says

    Chrissy Teigen and John Legend

    Optional: nope. No comeback. Will they stay married? Maybe, maybe not. Dont really care so long as I never have to see or hear from her again. 🙂

  76. Miami PoLo41 says

    C. Tiegen
    John Legend

  77. wfreshie says

    john legend and crissy teigan

  78. GizmoD says

    John Legend & Chrissy Teigen

  79. nudibee says

    John Legend and Chriss Teignen.

  80. Sweetpea says

    Foul mouthed bully Christy Teigen and John Ledgen.

  81. Marybel says

    CrustyT and John (Not A) Legend

  82. parkland45 says

    Chrissy Teigen & John Legend. This doesn’t sound good at all.

  83. Sadeit says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  84. DreamyVelvet says

    Toxic Teigen. She needs rehab and so much therapy. She’s mentally unstable. John needs to do the right thing for his family. She’s done. It must be a nightmare living with her. Poor kids.

  85. Shameless says

    John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen

  86. Lookinlady says

    Chrissy, you won’t come back, and yes to divorce

  87. 4girls4 says

    beyonce and J z

    • jcast515 says

      I think we are the only ones who guessed this- i stand by my guess!

  88. KlaireBear says

    Sounds like Chrissy Teigen and John legend, especially with the “bully” line. No I don’t think she deserves a comeback, she’s a terrible person and she really should focus on actually fixing herself rather than her reputation, and on making sure her own children don’t turn out bullies like her. I wonder if John knew she was like this when they married, I can only assume he did and married her anyway. No idea or care if they’ll stay married.

  89. gc02ef says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen
    I could never stand her. I think John should dump her, before she takes him down with her.
    And NO she does not deserve a comeback.

  90. ratneck says

    Sickening chrissy tiegen and no-talent husband. They both deserve it, for being bullies.

  91. darnda says

    Chrissy and John Legend.

    No she doesn’t deserve a come back. She’s nasty to the core and a dreadful hypocrite. I think he’ll ditch her eventually.

  92. kelseykkm says

    John legend and Chrissy tiegen

  93. fanofgossip says

    This is Teigan and Legend. I am sure all of frequent blindgossip fans know this❤❤❤❤

  94. High Steppa says

    Chrissy T and John L. “Bully” for them as a hint. She does NOT deserve a comeback. Let him earn a living without her toxic presence, and perhaps she can concentrate on being a good mom to their children.

  95. Monysmom says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  96. michelex23 says

    Chrissy Teigen and John Legend

    I’m sure she’ll have a comeback. I think they’ll stay married for now but if it gets worse not sure.

  97. EmilyLou says

    Jay and Bey

  98. Ramblingrose says

    Legend and Teigan. Yes they’ll stay together. He obviously isn’t bothered by her juvenile nonsense.

  99. gossipgirl28 says

    John Legend and his wife the bully.
    She needs a lot of time to go by and some serious image rebuilding before she can comeback in my opinion.

  100. SueSue says

    Chrissy Teigen and John Legend. I think she neither deserves nor will get a comeback. I have no clue about the strength of their marriage.

    I did, however, really enjoy the “bully for them” clue.

  101. litditditdoof says

    Mr John Legend and his wife whose name I’m afraid I’ve forgotten

  102. TeaDrinker says

    Chrissy Teigen and John Legend
    Optional: No, she doesn’t deserve a comeback. As for their marriage, I’m truly surprised he fell for her and stayed this long knowing how horrible she is. Makes me wonder what he’s really like too.

  103. willowtree says

    Chrissy Teigen as the clue is “bully for them”. I actually found more mean tweets by her that haven’t been reported on in the news. She deserves everything she gets.

  104. marlin ruj says

    Teigen/Legend. No she doesn’t deserve a comeback and yes they will divorce.

  105. lealoo says

    John & Chrissy

  106. kimmukwest says

    Chrissy and Arthur

  107. annaleeze says

    john legend and chrissy tiegen
    I don’t personally care if they stay married or not but she does not deserve a comeback, she is a vile person and treats people awful, she is an attention seeking narcissist who thinks the world revolves around her.

  108. Kiersan says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  109. AprilsFool says

    Tiegen and Legend. He’s right to be pissed with her and doubtful that her income will return. She’s toxic; she’s had so many deal cancellations she herself is cancelled.

  110. Murfsgurl says

    This sounds like John Legend and Chrissy Teigen. I want to believe that everyone has the right to a second chance but she is just toxic. Divorce looms.

  111. Molly7111 says

    Couple: John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  112. Henrietta says

    I want to change my response: Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.

    No, I don’t think Chrissy deserves a comeback. She needs to live the rest of her life being grateful for what she has: a loving husband and two healthy kids.

  113. Summerborn says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen.

    Yes, they’ll stay married.

  114. laura1083 says

    Sounds like Chrissy Teigen and John Legend

    No, she doesn’t deserve a come back. She is nasty! I think they will stay married though. John seems like a doormat and will put up with her.

  115. LilOne says

    John Legend and Chrissy Tiejen

    Bye! Does not deserve a comeback and makes me rethink Mr Legend. Behind closed doors is he as awful as her? If this is what she is in public how is it in private? Divorce is looming because I think he will pick fame over here he relationship

  116. JoshuaTree says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen. Her cookware products have been pulled from Macy’s and Target, and her brand is as good as dead right now after her horrific Twitter bullying was revealed. She’s so polarizing that she’s not going to be making a comeback anytime soon as too many people are rooting against her. They will stay married, as they love each other and their kids. Though she may become unbearable without being in the spotlight.

  117. snookiemonster says

    Tiegen and Ledgend. Im laughing.

  118. badgerette85 says

    John Legend and Chrissy T

    Op- no …the vile posts and comments she made are unforgivable. I’m glad she is losing her sponsorships, especially since Ms Hypocrite always was pointing the finger and boycotting others.

  119. jenny_r says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

    No, she absolutely does not deserve a comeback. She is a vile person, both inside and out.

  120. Gregoryf*ck says

    Tiegan and legend. No I don’t think she deserves a comeback. She has failed to make a genuine apology to her victims publicly or otherwise so she is clearly not sorry. I think they will limp on and divorce within 2 years.

  121. Tinytoon76 says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  122. phat girl says


  123. Foxmuch says

    Horrible Chrissy T and her useless husband.

  124. iamcarson says

    Chrissy “Meangirl” Teigen and John Legend

  125. MissAlly says

    John Legend
    Chrissy Tiegen

  126. Mel1022 says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  127. pawpaw says

    John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen

  128. JBDinCA says

    Kanye West and Kim Kardashian

  129. jcast515 says

    beyonce and jayz

  130. TinaJavelina says

    Chrissy T. and John L. They certainly like to show off their wealth on social media.

  131. Sixtine79 says

    John Legend and the horrible Chrissy Teigen. She’s getting what she deserves, and he must have known the kind of person she is when he married her, so he deserves it too. I hope she never makes a comeback.

  132. caela94 says

    John Legend and Christy T.
    She has to become an anti bullying advocate. Must wrap herself and embrace the controversy.

  133. heartcouture says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen
    Optional: Hopefully not

  134. mrsroh says

    THE BULLY HERSELF: Chrissy Tiegen and John Legend

  135. mrscake says

    John Legend and his lovely wife.
    Clue: *bully* for them

  136. co*cktailsanddreams says

    Chrissy Teigen and John Legend.
    She should go away forever. Talentless people should never get attention and huge amounts of money in the first place.

  137. montebell says

    Deserve a comeback to what? Social media, sponsors? Yeah, they’ll stay married but she may use the bullying scandal as an angle to get attention for real or fictional marital woes. Or use kids to sneak back.

  138. laurel74 says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

  139. 2infinity says

    John Legend and his insufferable wife Chrissy. She does not deserve a comeback. She doesn’t have any real talent to speak of.

  140. lizziebee65 says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen. Yes, I believe they’ll stay married, he seems totally smitten with her and they went through a lot when she lost baby Jack.

  141. Marslow says

    Chrissy Tiegan & John Legend and, she doesn’t. She’s been mean for years and didn’t apologize until she was called out.

  142. MrsBreeder says

    I can’t stand Teigen. She’s as fake as all the cosmetic surgery she’s had. And, no, I don’t think that relationship will last.

  143. mystic1 says

    Teigen and Legend. I don’t think she ever deserved to be a celebrity in the first place.

  144. no_one_no9 says

    I would call this one hefty slice of Karma, so perhaps Ms Teigen-Legend will learn from it and stop bullying henceforth. But I doubt it. Bullies rarely change, with a bit of luck this will teach her a valuable lesson.

    Suspect they will end up splitting. It has probably come as a bit of a shock just how nasty she is. And I don’t think she deserves a comeback, which may make me as mean as her but I can live with that!

  145. gingerbread says

    Chrissy Tiegen and John Legend. She’s a bully and she got busted. Consequences are real. They’ll stay together and she’ll eventually make a comeback, but it’ll be a few years. The internet is forever, Chrissy.

  146. oyevey says

    Chris’s Tegan and John Legend. Guess she needs a nip slip to turn the tide.

  147. Spyguy says

    Tiegen and Legend.
    does she deserve a comeback ?? NO
    is she remorseful ? NO
    will they divorce, probably not.

  148. Alexis_Rose says

    John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen. She is poison and let’s hope she’s forever cancelled.

  149. Chellelee says

    John Legend and his ball & chain.

  150. Dewey23 says

    Chrissy Teigen & John Legend?

    She’s toxic AF, and for a long time. No comebacks…

    Ugly soul 🤢

  151. Booboogirl says

    Chrissy Tiegen

  152. redstilettos says

    Teigen and Legend.

  153. itsjustanothergirl says

    John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen.

    She doesn’t deserve a comeback. Bullying teenagers the way she did? Yuck. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  154. kvetro60 says

    Pan face Teigen deserves NO comeback. She is vile

  155. Midwestgurl says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

    No, short term yes. Long term, no

  156. rayodeplata says

    John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

    She doesn’t deserve a comeback and they should downsize to a regular 3 bed 2 bath home and a Toyota. He’s right, her income isn’t coming back anytime soon, so they should get accustomed to an austere lifestyle from now on.

  157. PieLies says

    Chrissy Teigen
    Clue: Bully for them
    Optional: No, she had her chance and blew it. I think John will want a divorce soon.

  158. amagod121 says

    Chrissy Teigen & “I’M married to a freaking (John ) Legend!”

    Optnl #1: Not really, at least not for a good 5 years or more because what IF Courtney had been so vulnerable that she did what CT repeatedly told her to do? You don’t play that game with depressed people – or anyone, actually.

    Optnl: #2: Probably. He knows what she is & seems good with it as long as she doesn’t push him too far away. She IS pushing, so she’d better calm down & just ride the scandal out.

  159. Jem1Jem1 says

    Couple: John Legend and Chrissy Tiegan

    Does she deserve a comeback? If she is able to attone. Apologize directly to the people she bullied. Stay quiet for a good long while before trying to stage a comeback. But she needs to be prepared that she might not be missed.

  160. lahteb says

    Chrissy Teigen and John Legend

  161. mishmash123 says

    Guessing John Legend and Chrissy

  162. Blossom says

    Chrissy teagen and John Legend.
    Reap what you sow, Chrissy

  163. seattlemonkey says

    I don’t think Teigen is going to make a comeback. The comments she admitted to making about the teen girl were abhorrent. Telling a kid to take a dirt nap?? No legitimate business is going to want to ever partner with her again.
    Personally, I could not remain married to someone who engages in the kind of behavior she has.

    • amagod121 says


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.